SSC CONSTABLE GD


Directions: In question nos. 1 to 4, select the related word/number from the given alternatives.

1. Water : Oxygen : : Salt : ?
(A) Calcium (B) Hydrogen (C) Sodium (D) Water

2. 7 : 56 : : 8 : ?
(A) 62 (B) 90 (C) 72 (D) 80

3. ACEG : ZXVT : : IKMO : ?

4. BYDW : FUHS : : AZCX : ?

Directions: In question nos. 5 to 9, find the odd number/letters/figures/number pair from the given alternatives.

5. (A) Respiration (B) Digestion (C) Disease (D) Blood Pressure

6. (A) Twitter (B) Whatsapp (C) Internet (D) Facebook

7. (A) WT (B) QN (C) RN (D) DA

8. (A) 25 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 15

9. (A) 8 (B) 25 (C) 27 (D) 64

Directions: In question no. 10, which one of set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
10. _ a b _ a _ b a b _ _ b b a b b _

(A)  bbaaba (B) aabaab (C) ababbb (D) bbbbaa

Directions: In question nos.11 to 12, a series is given with one/two term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

11. 3, 10, 29, 66, ?
(A) 89      (B) 99     (C) 127    (D) 130

12. 10, 100, 200, 310,  ?
(A) 400     (B) 410    (C) 420     (D) 430
13. If A = 1, FAT = 27, then FAITH =?
(A) 44   (B) 42   (C) 41   (D) 40

14. From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.

(A) Reserve (B) Ration (C) Invest (D) Reason

15. Which of the following words will appear last in the dictionary?
 (A) Appeal   (B) Appear   (C) Application   (D) Applause

16. There are some boys and dogs at a place. If total number of heads is 7 and total number of legs is 20, how many boys and how many dogs are there?
(a) 2 boys and 5 dogs   (b) 3 boys and 4 dogs   (c) 4 boys and 3 dogs   (d) 5 boys and 2 dogs

17.  P, Q & R are educated. P, R & S are hard working. R, S & T are employed. P, Q, S & T are polite. Who is educated, hardworking, polite but not employed?
(a) P   (b) Q   (c) R   (d) T

18. Rajiv is the brother of Atul. Sonia is the sister of Sunil. Atul is the son of Sonia. How is Rajiv related to Sonia?
(a) Nephew   (b) Son    (c) Brother   (d) Father

19. Of the five members of a panel sitting in a row, A is to the left of B, but on the right of C, D is on the right of B but is on the left of E. Find the member who is sitting in the middle.
(a) B   (b) D    (c) A    d) C

20. The number of audience in a theatre hall is increasing day by day as follows. Find the number of audience on Saturday from the following information.

Day                      Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday    Thursday      Friday   Saturday
No. of audience      100         200            400             700           1100         ?
(A) 1300   (B) 1400   (C) 1500   (D) 1600

21. Ram travels 10 km towards the north and then turns left and travels 4 km and then again turns right and covers another 5 km and then turns right and travels another 4 km. How far is he from the starting point?
(a) 5 km.   (b) 10 km     (c) 15 km    (d) 19 km
22. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words?
(a) Honey      (b) Flower       (c) Bee       (d) Wax
(a) b, a, d, c        (b) b, c, a, d         (c) d, c, b, a         (d) a, c, d, b

23. If ’PAPER’ is written as ’OZODQ’, how ‘PENCIL’ can be written in that code?
(a) QFODJM    (b) OFOBHM    (c) ODMDJM    (d) ODMBHK

24. Identify the missing number.

(A) 4  (B) 6  (C) 3  (D) 8

25. Direction: A statement followed by two assumptions I & II is given. Which one of the four given alternatives is correct?

Statement: Imprisonment for 27 years made Nelson Mandela the President.

Assumptions :
I. One who will be imprisoned for 27 years will become The President.
II. To become The President imprisonment is a qualification.

(A) Only I is implicit.
(B) Only II is implicit.
(C) Both I & II are implicit.
(D) Neither I nor II is implicit.


26. The last dynasty of Delhi sultanate was the
(A) Slave Dynasty   (B) Syed Dynasty   (C) Lodi Dynasty   (D) Khilji Dynasty

27. The ‘Great Bath’ was found at
(A) Harappa   (B) Mohenjo-Daro   (C) Lothal   (D) Chanhodaro

28. Mass number of an atom is the sum of
(A) Electrons and Protons   (B) Protons and Neutrons   (C) Electrons and Neutrons (D) Only Protons

29. The largest ocean is
(A) Pacific Ocean   (B) Atlantic Ocean   (C) Arctic Ocean   (D) Indian Ocean

30. ‘A Century is Not Enough’ is written by
(A) Rahul Dravid   (B) Sachin Tendulkar   (C) Sourav Ganguly   (D) Brian Lara

31. The term ‘http’ used in web address stands for
(A) high transmission text policy                (B) hyper text transfer policy  
(C) hyper text transfer protocol            (D) higher text transfusion protocol

32. The headquarters of World Bank is situated at
(A) New York   (B) Geneva   (C) Washington, D.C.   (D) Paris

33. With which game is ‘Wimbledon Trophy’ associated?
(a) Hockey    (b) Football   (c) Lawn Tennis  (d) Cricket

34. 2018 World Cup Football was held at
(a) Brazil  (b) England  (c) South Africa  (d) Russia

35. Calcium Carbonate is the chemical name of
(A) Washing Soda (B) Lime Stone (C) Baking Powder (D) None of these

36. BCG vaccine provides immunity or protection against
(A) Tuberculosis (B) Diphtheria (C) Tetanus (D) Small Pox

37. Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of
(A) Calcium (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Insulin

38. The first modern Olympic Games were held in
(a) 1894 A.D.     (b) 776 B.C.     (c) 1896 A.D.       (d) 1930 A.D.

39. Kaziranga National Park is famous for
(A) Langur  (B) Elephant  (C) Rhino  (D) Tiger

40. Which vitamin is not found in fruits and vegetables?
(A) Vitamin B  (B) Vitamin C  (C) Vitamin D  (D) Vitamin E

41. Which of the following is not an Operating System?

42. Name the first Indian Woman Astronaut to represent NASA:
(A) Mrs. Leela Seth  (B) Anju Bobby  (C) Kalpana Chawla  (D) Sunita Williams

43. The material used in lead pencil is
(A) Graphite  (B) Lead  (C) Carbon  (D) Mica

44. Name the capital city that is located fairly close to the Tropic of Cancer.
(A) Kolkata   (B) Ranchi   (C) Raipur   (D) Imphal

45. India has the monopoly in the International market in the supply of
(A) Iron   (B) Copper   (C) Bauxite   (D) Mica

46. In which State is Khetri, the area known for copper ores, situated?
(A) Karnataka   (B) Assam   (C) Rajasthan   (D) Jharkhand

47. Who had proposed partyless democracy in India?
(A) Jaya Prakash Narayan   (B) Mahatma Gandhi   (C) Vinoba Bhave   (D) S.A. Dange

48. The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in
(A) 1928   (B) 1930   (C) 1911   (D) 1922

49. Fa-hien visited India during the reign of
(A) Chandragupta II   (B) Samudragupta   (C) Ramagupta   (D) Kumaragupta

50. DNA fingerprinting is used to identify the
(A) Parents   (B) Rapist   (C) Thieves   (D) All the above


51. Four different electronic devices make a beep after every 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1:30 hours and 1:45 hours respectively. All the devices beeped together at 12 noon. They will again beep together at
(A) 9 a.m.   (B) 3 a.m.   (C) 12 midnight   (D) 6 a.m.

52. The average of 27 numbers is 60. If one number is changed from 28 to 82, the average is
(A) 56   (B) 59   (C) 64   (D) 62

53. A shop offers 10% discount on every purchase of an article. It also offers an additional discount of 12%, if the payment is made in cash. If the original price of an item is Rs 250, how much a customer will pay, if he wants to pay the price in cash?
(A) Rs 192   (B) Rs 198   (C) Rs 195   (D) Rs 180

54.  On selling an article for Rs 170, a shopkeeper loses 15%. In order to gain 20%, he must sell that article at
(A) Rs 240   (B) Rs 215.50   (C) Rs 210   (D) Rs 212.50

55. If Priya’s salary is 20% less than Monika’s salary, by how much percent is Monika’s salary more than Priya’s salary?
(A) 30%   (B) 25%   (C) 16.67%   (D) 20%

56. Two pipes X and Y can fill a tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. If both pipes are opened together, the time taken to fill the tank is
(A) 16 minutes   (B) 12 minutes   (C) 15 minutes   (D) 50 minutes

57. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4 and their LCM is 180. The first number is
(A) 75   (B) 35   (C) 60   (D) 45

58. If a : b :  c  = 3 : 4  : 7, then (a + b + c) : c  is equal to
(A) 14:5   (B) 2:1   (C) 1:2   (D) 7:3

59.  A club has 108 members. Two-thirds of them are men and the rest are women. All members are married except for 9 women members. How many married women are there in the club?
(A) 24   (B) 30   (C) 27   (D) 20

60. A man swims downstream a distance of 15 km in 1 hour. If the speed of the current is 5 km/ hour, the time taken by the man to swim the same distance upstream is
(A) 3 hours   (B) 1 hour 30minutes   (C) 2 hours 40 minutes   (D) 6 hours

61. The ratio of the cost price and the selling price of an article is 5 : 6. What is the percentage of profit?
(A) 20%   (B) 15%   (C) 12.5%   (D) 10%

62. A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, B and C together in 15 days and C and A together in 20 days. In how many days can A, B and C together do it?
(A) 5 days   (B) 10 days   (C) 24 days   (D) 30 days

63. A man observed that a 120 metre long train crossed him in 9 seconds. The speed (in km/hr) of the train was
(A) 42   (B) 45   (C) 48   (D) 55

64. A vendor purchased 40 dozen bananas for Rs. 250. Out of these 30 bananas were rotten and could not be sold. At what rate per dozen should he sell the remaining bananas to make a profit of 20%?
(A) Rs. 10   (B) Rs. 8    (C) Rs. 12   (D) Rs. 6

65. One-fifth of half of a number is 20. Then 20% of that number is
(A) 20   (B) 40   (C) 60   (D) 80

66. The time required for a sum of money to amount to four times itself at 15% simple interest p.a. will be
(A) 10 years   (B) 30 years   (C) 15 years   (D) 20 years

67. The LCM of two numbers is 12 times their HCF. The sum of the HCF and LCM is 403. If one of the numbers is 93, then the other number is
(A) 124   (B) 120   (C) 116   (D) 112

68. A dealer bought 80 cricket bats for Rs. 50 each. He sells 20 of them at a gain of 5%. What must be the gain% of the remaining bats, so as to get 10% gain on the whole?
(A) 35/11  (B) 25/2   (C) 35/3    (D) Rs. 3350

69. The ratio between the speed of two trains is 8 : 9. The second train covers 360 km in 4 hours. Distance covered by the 1st train in 3 hours is
(A) 240 km   (B) 480 km   (C) 120 km   (D) 60 km

70. If the area of a semicircle be 77 sq. m., find its perimeter.
(A) 36m   (B) 42m   (C) 48m   (D) 54m

71. If each edge of a square is doubled, then the increased percentage of its area is
(A) 200%   (B) 250%   (C) 280%   (D) 300%

72. In a village 30% of the population is literate. If the total population of the village is 6600, then the number of illiterate is
(A) 1980   (B) 4620   (C) 2200   (D) 3280

73. If 12 men or 24 boys can do a work in 66 days, the number of days in which 15 men and 6 boys can do it is
(A) 44   (B) 33   (C) 55    (D) 66

74. The digit in the unit place of the product 49237×3995×738×83×9 is
(A) 0   (B) 7   (C) 5   (D) 6

75. Rs 782 is divided into three parts proportional to the fractions 1/2, 2/3, 3/4. Then the 1st part is
(A) Rs 182   (B) Rs. 190   (C) Rs. 196   (D) Rs. 204


Directions : In questions no. 76 to 78, some part of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from error, then your answer is D.

76. We have been / waiting for him / since three hours. / No error.
           (A)                   (B)                     (C)                     (D)

77. They will / come here tomorrow, / isn’t it? / No error.
        (A)                   (B)                     (C)          (D)

78. Ramayana is / one of the greatest epics / in the world. / No error.
           (A)                       (B)                            (C)              (D)

Directions: In questions no. 79 to 82, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

79. As it was raining, I ________ to college.
(A) did not went  (B) was not going  (C) did not go  (D) went

80. She invited you on her birthday, ______?
(A) hasn’t she  (B) didn’t she  (C) isn’t it  (D) don’t she

81. He ______ a glass of milk before he went to school.
(A) drank  (B) has drunk  (C) had drunk  (D) drinks

82. Sonam _______ a letter just now.
(A) wrote  (B) has written  (C) writes  (D) was written

Directions : In questions no. 83 to 85, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

83. Humane
 (A) Brilliant  (B) Beast  (C) Compassionate  (D) Cruel

84. Stale
 (A) Fusty  (B) Fresh  (C) Massive  (D) None of these

85. Transparent
 (A) Opaque  (B) Ominous  (C) Pellucid  (D) None of these

Directions : In questions no. 86 to 88, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

86. Quiet
(a) strong (b) noisy (c) incomplete (d) violent

87. Vague
(a) clear (b) dull (c) unknown (d) shady

88. Incredible
(a) believable (b) possible (c) imaginable (d) enjoyable

Directions : In questions no. 89 to 91, four alternatives are given for the Idiom / Phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom / Phrase.

89. Men like Vidyasagar and Bhagat Singh are the salt of the earth.
(A) famous men   (B) ideal men   (C) hardworking men   (D) makers of the earth

90. January 24, 1984 is a red letter day in Sudha’s life.
(A) a dangerous day in one’s life    (B) a sorrowful day in one’s life     (C) an important and joyful occasion in one’s life.      (D) both a dangerous and sorrowful day in one’s life.

91. Chetan is so innocent that he wears his heart on his sleeve.
(a) wears dress that does not match    (b) expresses his feelings openly
(c) wears colourful dresses                  (d) expresses his feelings privately

Directions : In questions no. 92 to 94, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (A), (B), (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (D).

92. My father was not at home, so I did not went to school.
(A) do not go  (B) had not go  (C) did not go  (D) No improvement

93. He has been seeing T.V. since morning.
(A) looking  (B) watching  (C) observing  (D) No improvement

94. I didn’t know where he lived.
(A) where did he live  (B) where does he live  (C) where did he lived  (D) No improvement

Directions : In questions no. 95 to 97, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence.

95. One who eats human flesh
 (A) beast  (B) carnivorous  (C) furious  (D) cannibal

96. Animals that can live both on land and water
 (A) amphibious  (B) aquatic  (C) mammal  (D) none of these

97. A person who does not believe in God
 (A) Theist  (B) Atheist  (C) Humanist  (D) none of these

Directions : In questions no. 98 to 100, four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

98. (A) assasination   (B) asasination   (C) assassination   (D) asassination

99. (A) proficent   (B) proficient   (C) profficient   (D) profecient

100. (A) courageous   (B) couragous   (C) curageous   (D) coregeous

Compiled at Nayak Academy
 (A Centre for Competitive Exam)
Sarenga(New Market),
Bankura, W.B.

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