Thursday, 29 September 2011

H.S. POETRY - FUTILITY by Wilfred Owen

[A Centre for Learning Better English]
Director: Mr. Bidyut Kumar Nayak
Mobile: +919851707021

Time : 1 Hour                                                                                                                        Full Marks: 25

1. Which of the following sentences are True and which are False?                                                  1×4 = 4

(i)                 The soldier in the poem Futility died in France.
(ii)               The soldier came of a peasant family.
(iii)             “Was it for this the clay grew tall?” Here ‘clay’ refers to a statue of clay.
(iv)             The sun helps the seeds to sprout.

2. Answer any two of the following questions (each in about 30 words):                                           3×2 = 6

(i)                 How did the sun rouse the dead soldier when he was alive?
(ii)               “Woke, once, the clays of a cold star,” What does the expression ‘cold star’ mean?
(iii)             From which country did the soldier come and where did he die? What references are there in the poem that indicate his social background?

3. Answer any one of the questions which follow (in about 50 words):                                              5×1 = 5

(i)                 Discuss in brief the significance of the title of Owen’s poem Futility.
(ii)               What attitude of Owen is revealed in the poem Futility?

4. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:                                                                                2×5 = 10

(i)                 Its touch awoke him once at home. (Turn into a complex sentence)
(ii)               It woke once the clays of a cold star. ( Change into Passive)
(iii)             Are limbs too hard to stir? (Turn into a statement)
(iv)             Gently its touch awoke him once. (Use the noun form of ‘gently’)
(v)               Was it__this __ clay grew tall? (Fill in the blanks)                                                                                                                   

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