Tuesday, 31 January 2012


H.S. English Suggestion (with Answer) – 2012
prepared by :
Mr. Bidyut Kumar Nayak
Email : nayak.bidyut@gmail.com
The Bishop’s Candlesticks (3 marks) :
Q1. "We shall have nothing left. " - Why does the speaker say this?
Ans. Persome was shocked when she heard that the Bishop had sold the silver salt cellars to pay the house rent for Mere Gringoire. The Bishop has given away almost everything to the poor. Persome did not like the Bishop's reckless charity. So she said this.

Q2. Why was the convict sent to the prison?
Ans. The convict once lived happily with his wife in a cottage. But in a bad year he became workless. He was then forced to steal to buy food for his dying wife. But he was caught red-handed and sent to the prison for ten years.

Q3. How did the convict become a number?
A. Before his imprisonment the convict was a man with all human qualities. But the prison authority refused to regard him as a human being. They did not call him by his name. They called him by a number, 15728. It was the custom of the prison.

Q4. "I led him into temptation."--How did the speaker lead 'him' into temptation?
Ans. The candlesticks were made of silver. They were worthy too. The Bishop left those precious things with the convict alone and roused the temptation of the convict to steal them. Thus he led him into temptation.

Q5. Why did the Bishop tell a lie to the Sergeant?
Ans. Though the convict stole the Bishop's candlesticks, the Bishop saved him from being arrested again. The Bishop did not want to throw him into hell. He wanted to convert him into a good human being. So he told a lie to the Sergeant.

Q6. "I was free, free to starve."
What does the speaker mean to say here?
Ans. In the prison the convict was given food regularly. But when he came out of the jail, he had to starve because he had no job. He could not even beg as he was always in fear of police. So he had to starve.

Q7. Why does the Bishop consider the loss of his candlesticks to be his 'just punishment'?
Ans. As a pious Christian the Bishop should not have attraction for any earthly thing. But he shows much attachment to the candlesticks. So he thinks that it is a great sin and God has punished him for this attachment.

Q8."They are sold, madam"
What does the word 'they' refer to and why are they sold?
Ans. The word 'they' refers to the silver salt cellars.
The Bishop wanted to help Mere Gringoire who was too poor to pay her house rent. She sought the Bishop’s help. But the Bishop had no money with him. So he had to sell the salt cellars.

Q9. Why did the convict want to steal the candlesticks?
Ans. After escaping from the prison, the convict has not yet found any honest means to earn his livelihood. He thinks that the candlesticks may be of costly material. If he can sell the candlesticks, he may start a new life with the money. So he wanted to steal the candlesticks.

Q10. Which path to Paris did the Bishop advise the Convict to take and why?
Ans. The Bishop advised the Convict to take the path through the woods at the back of his cottage.
He advised to take such lonely path because the gendarmes did not patrol there at night.


  1. Hello, I am Arindam. I think it is only for 3 marks. but if you post some 5 masks question, then it is good. I want to ask a more question.. can you give me a suggestion in writing.. like notice, letter and etc. my email id is arindam-dood@hotmail.com Thank you :)

    H.S. Students may apply to me for Notes and Suggestion on English. Applications must be submitted to my email : nayak.bidyut@gmail.com
    They will also get help for any grammatical query.

    Bidyut Nayak

  3. Sir please add for 5 marks question..i m a student class 12 i have no full notes of english please help me..thank you

  4. Sir please post for 5 marks..i m a student of class 12 and i have till no any proper notes and my exams are near please help it is kindly request you..

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