Wednesday, 2 October 2013


A Short Test on
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
Organised by: Bidyut K Nayak
Mob.: 9851707021

Name : __________________               Full Marks : 20                               Marks obtained :
MULTIPLE CHOICE:                                                                          15×1=15
  1. From the Westminster Bridge Wordsworth looks at the beauty of London
(A)   at noon  (B) in the morning  (C) in the evening  (D) at night

  1. Wordsworth’s ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ is
(A)   a sonnet  (B) a ballad  (C) an ode  (D) an elegy

  1. The rhyme pattern of Wordsworth’s ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ is
(A)   abba,abba,cde,cde  (B) abba,abba,cd,cd,cd  (C) abab,abab,cd,cd,cd  (D) None of these

  1. From the structural point of view Wordsworth’s ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ has
(A)   two parts  (B) three parts  (C) four parts  (D) None of these

  1. The things which are steeped by the sun in its first radiance are
(A)   mountains, rivers and rocks  (B) valleys, rivers and mountains  (C) valleys, rocks and hills

  1. The river Thames is said to flow
(A)   slowly  (B) quickly  (C) smoothly  (D) noisily

  1. According to Wordsworth, earth has not anything to show more fair than
(A)   the beauty of Thames  (B) the beauty of London  (C) The beauty of Westminster Bridge

  1. The morning air of London is
(A)   smokeless  (B) polluted  (C) corrupted  (D) None of these

  1. “Dull would he be of soul...” Here ‘dull’ means
(A)   monotonous  (B) stupid  (C) devoid of sense of beauty  (D) bored

  1. Who accompanied Wordsworth while he was crossing the Westminster Bridge?
(A)   Mary Hutchinson  (B) S. T. Coleridge  (C) Dorothy Wordsworth  (D) None of them

  1. In the expression ‘and all that mighty heart is lying still’ London is compared to
(A)   a bird  (B) a giant  (C) a dwarf  (D) an insect

  1. The city of London is called ‘silent’ because
(A)   it is lifeless (B) it is smokeless (C) the normal activity of this has not yet started (D)it is deserted

  1. The city wears the garment of
(A)   mist  (B) silence  (C) sunrays  (D) smoke

  1. The poet addresses God out of
(A)   gratitude  (B) fear  (C) excitement  (D) joy and wonder

15. The city of London is called ‘bare’ because
(A) it is lifeless (B) it is smokeless  (C) it is deserted  (D) None of these

Identify the Tense of the following sentences:                                                         5×1=5

  1. Never saw I, never felt a calm so deep. _________________________________________

  1. The river glideth at his own sweet will.  _________________________________________

  1. The very houses seem asleep.              _________________________________________

  1. Never did sun more beautifully steep.    _________________________________________

  1. And all that mighty heart is lying still.    _________________________________________

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